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2017/01-2020/08 以色列海法大学 行为与脑整合研究中心 博士后;
2006/09-2014/01 中国科学院大学 神经生物学 博士;
2002/09-2006/06 安徽医科大学 临床医学 本科
2020/09至今 安徽医科大学精神卫生与心理科学学院 副教授 硕士生导师
2014/1-2017/10 中国科学院昆明动物研究所 助理研究员
Kuldeep Tripathi, Yunus Emre Demiray, Stefanie Kliche , Liang Jing, Somoday Hazra, Joyeeta Dutta Hazra, Gal Richter-Levin , Oliver Stork. Reducing glutamic acid decarboxylase in the dorsal dentate gyrus attenuates juvenile stress induced emotional and cognitive deficits. Neurobiol Stress, 2021 (online)
Heng Zhou*, Gui-Jing Xiong*, Liang Jing*, Ning-Ning Song, De-Lin Pu, Xun Tang, ……Gal Richter-Levin , Rong-Rong Mao , Qi-Xin Zhou, Yu-Qiang Ding, and Lin Xu, The interhemispheric CA1 circuit governs rapid generalisation but not fear memory. Nature Communications, 2017. 8: 2190. (共同一作)
Rinki Saha., Kuldeep Shrivastava, Liang Jing, Rachel Schayek, Mouna Maroun, Martin Kriebel, Hansjurgen Volkmer, Gal Richter-Levin. Perturbation of GABAergic Synapses at the Axon Initial Segment of Basolateral Amygdala Induces Transregional Metaplasticity at the Medial Prefrontal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 2018. 28(1): p. 395-410.
Omer Horovitz, Alon Richter-Levin, Lin Xu, Liang Jing, Gal Richter-Levin. 2017. Periaqueductal Grey differential modulation of Nucleus Accumbens and Basolateral Amygdala plasticity under controllable and uncontrollable stress, Scientific Reports, 2017. 7: 487.
Liang Jing*, Ting-Ting Duan*, Meng Tian*, Qiang Yuan, Ji-Wei Tan, Yong-Yong Zhu, Ze-Yang Ding, Gal Richter-levin, QiXin Zhou, Lin Xu. Despair-associated memory requires a slow-onset CA1 long-term potentiation with unique underlying mechanisms. Scientific Reports, 2015. 5. 15000
Jing Wang, Liang Jing, Juan-Carlos Toledo-Salas, Lin Xu, Rapid-onset antidepressant efficacy of glutamatergic system modulators: Substantiation of the neural plasticity hypothesis of depression. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2015. 31(1): p. 75-86
Ji-Wei Tan, Ting-Ting Duan, Qi-Xin Zhou, Ze-Yang Ding, Liang Jing, Jun Cao, Li-Ping Wang, Rong-Rong Mao, Lin Xu.
Impaired contextual fear extinction and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in adult rats induced by prenatal morphine exposure. Addiction Biology, 2015. 20(4): p. 652-62.
Liang Jing, Qi-Xin Zhou, Lin Xu. Avoidance of potentially harmful food cannot be socially transmitted between rats. Zoological Research, 2014, 35(4): 256-261.
Yong-Yong Zhu, Liang Jing, Ting-Ting Duan, Qiang Yuan, Qi-Xin Zhou, Lin Xu. Patterned high-frequency stimulation induces a form of long-term depression dependent on GABAA and mACh receptors in the hippocampus. Neuroscience, 2013, 250: 658–663.
Bo Duan, Long-Jun Wu, Yao-Qing Yu, Yu Ding, Liang Jing, Lin Xu, Jun Chen, Tian-Le Xu. Upregulation of acid-sensing ion channel ASIC1a in spinal dorsal horn neurons contributes to inflammatory pain hypersensitivity. The Journal of neuroscience,
2007, 27(41): 11139-11148. IF:6.0